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53 items found for ""

  • Mykola's story

    Once, on New Year's Eve, Mykola, a resident of Dvorichne, went to visit a friend. His friend was left without a wife, eating only peas and beans, and so on... Mykola took a jar of tomatoes, bacon, and, of course, bread and bacon. After all, New Year's Eve is a holy occasion. He got ready to visit, and on his way back, Mykola met a Russian drone. It didn't matter that he was in his seventies and had never been in the military. The “heroic” Russian drone pilot did not spare Mykola. Head of the evacuation team Serhiy Kharlamov with Mykola The explosion contused the man, and shrapnel hit his legs so much that he lost a lot of blood from his heart. Mykola would not have celebrated the New Year if his friend hadn't come running to find out what the drone had done. He waited for four hours for medical help, but first the soldiers helped Mykola by putting splints on his injured legs. They only asked him to return the tires when the need for them passed, as they no longer had any. Then he was taken to Kupyansk, where qualified specialists fought for his life. Mykola regained consciousness only a day later in the Kharkiv Regional Hospital. Kharkiv doctors tried to save him for almost a month. Fortunately, they succeeded. At the moment, Mykola is still bedridden, his legs are fixed with the Elizarov apparatus, but the prospect of recovery is quite reliable. However, now the next dilemma arises: how to bring a patient in such a situation from the hospital to his home. Especially with the critical shortage of ambulances and the fact that the patient lives 120 kilometers away in the countryside. It should also be added that Mykola is a corpulent man, as they say, and his unhealed wounds cause him severe pain with every careless movement. This is where the medical and evacuation crews of the "Volunteer - 68" team come in handy, as they make their flights on a daily basis. Just transferring a person in this condition from a hospital bed to a medical gurney is no longer a challenge. It is technically, physically and emotionally difficult. Getting such a patient to their destination on war-torn roads is also not easy. However, lifting him on a soft stretcher up several floors, through stairwells of the Soviet design that were not adapted for this purpose, without causing him pain, is a task on the verge of being impossible. It was difficult to transport Mykola, but the experience and goodwill of the "Volunteer - 68" crew helped to make it as correct and psychologically easy as possible. For this, the volunteers heard many words of gratitude from Mr. Mykola and his wife Tetyana, as the guys deserved them.

  • Open tender for the supply of construction materials

    The NGO “Center for Humanitarian Aid "Volunteer - 68" under the project "Inclusion Drive 2.0", implemented within the framework of the EMPOWER project, funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) in cooperation with the European Union and implemented by GIZ Ukraine, announces a tender for the repair of the premises of the rehabilitation center-shelter at 51A Makiivska Street, Kharkiv. Proposals are accepted until 10/14/2024. The tender is now closed. We thank all participants for their applications and active participation!

  • Open tender - repair services for the premises of the rehabilitation center-shelter at 51A Makiivska St., Kharkiv

    The NGO “Center for Humanitarian Aid "Volunteer - 68" under the project "Inclusion Drive 2.0", implemented within the framework of the EMPOWER project, funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) in cooperation with the European Union and implemented by GIZ Ukraine, announces a tender for the repair of the premises of the rehabilitation center-shelter at 51A Makiivska Street, Kharkiv. Proposals are accepted until 10/14/2024 The tender is now closed. We thank all participants for their applications and active participation!

  • Open tender Social transportation and evacuation services

    The NGO “Center for Humanitarian Aid "Volunteer - 68" under the project "Inclusion Drive 2.0", which is being implemented within the framework of the EMPOWER project, funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) in cooperation with the European Union and implemented by GIZ Ukraine, announces the Tenders for social transportation and evacuation. Proposals are accepted until 10/28/2024. The tender is now closed. We thank all participants for their applications and active participation!

  • Tender for Services Creation of a script for video lessons “Care++” and Services for production, editing of video lessons “Care++”

    Within the framework of the project “Inclusion Drive 2.0”, implemented with the support of the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and the European Union and implemented by GIZ Ukraine, the NGO “Center for Humanitarian Aid "Volunteer - 68" announces a tender for the services of Script development for video lessons ‘Care++’ and Services for production, editing of video lessons ”Care++” Proposals will be accepted until 11/25/2024. The tender has been extended: submission of applications until 12/02/2024 determination of the winner 12/03/2024 The tender is now closed. We thank all participants for their applications and active participation!

  • Announcement of the Bidding for supply of a ramp and ramp fences, Kharkiv

    Customer: The NGO “Center for Humanitarian Assistance "Volunteer - 68" under the project "Emergency Response", implemented with the technical support of UN Women in Ukraine and funded by the UN Women's Peace and Humanitarian Fund (WPHF), announces a Tender for the supply of a ramp and ramp fences in accordance with applicable regulations. Proposals will be accepted until 11/ 01/2024. The tender is now closed. We thank all participants for their applications and active participation!

  • NGO “Volunteer - 68” is always on the alert

    The "Volunteer - 68" Humanitarian Aid Center regularly conducts first aid training for its employees. It is quite natural that in an association of volunteers whose main activity is to protect the life and health of mostly elderly people with physical disabilities and people with disabilities, familiarity with first aid methods is, so to speak, a moral imperative. It is obvious that volunteer evacuation crews or colleagues with medical education do not need such training. They are professionals. However, the team consists not only of those who work in the field. Lawyers, accountants, call center operators, cooks, cleaners and car mechanics - for them, even if they have basic knowledge of first aid, it is a sign of belonging to the rescuers' corporation. So once a month, together and individually, we hone our skills in the first steps and measures that can save lives and preserve the health of a neighbor in an emergency in various horrific scenarios that our first aid instructors are good at inventing. And it's probably not surprising that, in addition to real benefits and moral satisfaction, such training can give you a sense of both security and strength.

  • Подовження тендеру

    Громадська організація «Центр надання гуманітарної допомоги «Волонтер-68» в рамках реалізації проєкту «Драйв Інклюзії», який реалізується в межах програми «Спроможні та сильні», що впроваджується Фондом Східна Європа за підтримки Швейцарії, оголошує про подовження проведення тендеру на виконання ремонтно-оздоблювальних робіт в приміщенні інклюзівного навчального простору- коворкінгу за адресою місто Харків, вулиця Макіївська 51А. Дата оголошення про подовження тендеру 15.03.2024 року Термін подання тендерних пропозицій 21.03.2024 року (включно) Дата оголошення переможця 25.03.2024 року Предмет закупівлі Ремонтно - оздоблювальні роботи ЛОТ 1;2;3;4;5;9. Детально перелік робіт по кожному ЛОТу описано в Додатку до даного Оголошення Форма оплати Безготівковий розрахунок Строк виконання робіт 10.05.2024 року участі у тендері: Лист-заявка від учасника (в довільній формі з обов’язковим зазначенням про бажання прийняти участь у тендері, обізнаність з умовами проведення тендеру, наявність досвіду виконання робіт та згодою на обробку персональних даних); Витяг з Єдиного державного реєстру юридичних осіб, фізичних осіб-підприємців та громадських формувань (наявність відповідних видів економічної діяльності, інформація про посадових осіб тощо); Пропозиція вартості виконання робіт: Зведений кошторисний розрахунок вартості об’єкта будівництва (за Формою 5 Програмного комплексу АВК-5) та додатки до нього (Договірна ціна, Пояснювальна записка); Локальний кошторис на будівельні роботи (за Формою 1 Програмного комплексу АВК-5) та Підсумкова відомість ресурсів, Розрахунок загальновиробничих витрат до нього. ​ Пропозиції, направлені після 21.03.2024 року, не розглядаються . Пропозиції приймаються за принципом «один учасник = одна пропозиція», у разі надсилання кількох пропозиції участь у тендері приймає лише перша з отриманих пропозицій. До оголошення переможця інформація про пропозиції не розкривається. Учасники конкурсу можуть подавати пропозиція як на весь комплекс робіт так і на окремий ЛОТ. Рішення про переможця буде прийматися по кожному лоту на котрий будуть окремі пропозиції. Заява та документи до неї приймаються в електронну адресу: з обов’язковим зазначенням теми листа: «Пропозиція на конкурс ЛОТ...наіменування учасника конкурсу». Контактна особа: Харламова Галина, +380661617432 , Мазур Наталія, +380674948092 . Критерії відбору переможця (в порядку значущості): Цінова пропозиція вартості робіт Досвід виконання робіт Строки виконання робіт. За підсумками проведеного тендеру кожен учасник 28.03.2024 року отримає електронний лист щодо зробленої ним пропозиції. Результати тендеру будуть повідомлені всім учасникам не пізніше 4 робочих днів з дати прийняття рішення про визначення переможця шляхом надсилання відповідних повідомлень всім учасникам закупівлі електронною поштою.

  • NGO “Volunteer-68” held a training on first aid in Zatyshno Space

    "Zatyshno Space" is a special project aimed at supporting women and girls who have fled the occupied territories, war zones, or areas that are unsafe to live in due to increased enemy air attacks. The project exists in the form of a network of safe spaces in six cities of Ukraine. This initiative was launched in 2024 by the East SOS Charitable Foundation in partnership with the American Bar Association Rule of Law Initiative (ABA ROLI Ukraine) and the international humanitarian organization CARE with the support of the Canadian government. In Kharkiv, Zatyshno Space is located at 11 Gogol Street. In its substantive work, Zatyshno Space focuses on several humanitarian areas. First of all, it provides individual psychosocial counseling for women and girls. Development of information materials on the prevention of gender-based violence. Trainings for women and girls with a focus on GBV prevention. Individual and group supervision for staff. Career guidance and professional development trainings for women and girls. Meetings of women and girls with representatives of local NGOs. One such organization was the NGO "Volunteer - 68". Even if the citizens of our country did not suffer from military threats and hardships, knowledge of how to help and maybe even save a person's life is always relevant for anyone. And the first aid trainers of the "Volunteer - 68" NGO are always ready to share this knowledge with anyone. And not only that. At Zatyshno Space, our volunteers conducted a full-fledged several-day training with practical exercises. The IDPs learned about the basic actions and measures aimed at saving lives and preserving the health of a person in an emergency, which should be taken to minimize the consequences of such a condition.

  • Ice and flames of Pryoskolye

    The active phase of the Russian offensive on the Kupyansk direction, which began in the fall of 2014, has been going on for a year and a half now, with the goal of eliminating the Ukrainian bridgehead on the left bank of the Oskol. After they managed to cut the Kupiansk-Borova highway, the enemy came close to the left-bank agglomeration of Kupiansk Vuzlovyi-Kivsharivka from the south. In the north, from the side of the already occupied Holubivka, Russians are trying to reach the Kupiansk bridge over the Oskil, which currently remains the only transportation artery connecting the area to the right bank. Even if we do not take into account the daily artillery shelling, MLRS missile attacks and bombing by UAVs, the security situation for residents of Kupyansk, particularly on the left bank, is critical. Evacuation from here has long since outgrown its urgency. Before the war, the Kupiansk community was home to more than 58,000 people, and as of now, less than three thousand remain, including children and people with limited mobility. The most dramatic situation is in the village of Kivsharivka, which had a population of up to 20,000 before the invasion. It is the only village in Ukraine with no rural housing stock. Therefore, the completely destroyed infrastructure makes it extremely difficult to survive here. As the Russians approached the borders of the Kupyansk community, they first attacked the life support facilities of its settlements. Kivsharivka has long been without any power supply - not everyone manages to survive the winter in frozen panel houses. There is no water, pharmacies and retail outlets are closed... Only humanitarian aid supports the local “leftovers”. Despite the danger for volunteers and employees of authorized services, the evacuation of people continues. Applications for evacuation from residents of Kupyansk district, who are tired of Russian terror and unbearable living conditions, continue to be submitted. In the summer of 2023, the Russians began a slow creeping advance towards Oskol, and from the fall of 2024 to the present day, they continue to fan the flames in the hell they have created in the Kupianske Pryoskillia. All this time, the evacuation crews of the NGO "Volunteer - 68", together with rescuers from the State Emergency Service, police officers and the military, have been saving the lives of fellow citizens in this one of the hottest spots of our front in the confrontation with stupid and base evil.

  • Evacuation of residents of frontline settlements continues in Kupyansk region

    Today, on November 18, rescuers helped 7 people evacuate from the danger zone. These are residents of Kivsharivka and Kupyansk. Most of them are elderly people with limited mobility who are unable to cope without assistance.

  • Young rescuers: how schoolchildren will learn first aid skills from "Volunteer - 68"

    Each era has its own specific features. The special character of each era brings to the fore its own specific people. People's compliance with the peculiarities of each era is determined by their armedness with specific knowledge. Today, when the lives and health of Ukrainians are threatened by definition, the knowledge of how to protect oneself, loved ones, or complete strangers is more relevant than ever. The instructors of the "Volunteer - 68" Humanitarian Aid Center are the ones who disseminate this knowledge. Volunteers regularly conduct seminars, trainings and lectures on various security topics. These include training on mine risk prevention. Lectures on the prevention of gender-based violence against women. Methods of transportation of people with physical disabilities. Courses on first aid and tactical medicine, etc. Volunteer - educators operate in a wide range of settings. For example, classes can take place at the training center of the NGO "Volunteer - 68", or they can be held on-site in various institutions and cities of Ukraine. For example, an on-site training on first aid was recently held for 10-11th grade students of the H. Semyridskyi Pechenizkyi Lyceum. During the training, the students learned and practiced how to stop bleeding using tamponade and tourniquets, how to act in case of body burns, hypothermia, cardiac arrest, etc. The volunteers introduced the children to the algorithms of actions that allow them to control themselves in an emergency situation and provide first aid to themselves or a victim. Earlier, a similar workshop was held at the Kharkiv boarding lyceum “Obladovanist” for high school students. The children learned how to examine the victim, assess his or her consciousness, free the airways, and stop bleeding by applying tourniquets, bandages, or bandages. The scope of educational activities of the NGO "Volunteer - 68" in the security sector, in its segment related to medical and social assistance, will be expanded. We have taken the first steps in attracting young people to our audience. And we are not going to stop there, because we have felt a real interest of the younger generation in the skills of active assistance in preserving health and protecting lives in crisis situations.

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